Grace Wong a virgin no more?

18 Feb – Grace Wong was one of few TVB actresses who strongly preached about celibacy. However, the actress' recent vacation with her boyfriend raised a significant question - if she did practice what she preached.

According to Popular Asians website, the "Tiger Cubs" actress was spotted on vacation in Taiwan during the month of January and was reportedly sharing the same room with her alleged boyfriend.

The actress sparked lots of speculations about her virginity pledge, as the Bed & Breakfast they entered was known to supply guests with condoms as part of their service. Eyebrows were raised as the couple allegedly disappeared into their room for four days and three nights.

Despite her sexy persona, the 26-year-old actress and former 2007 Miss Hong Kong first runner-up has held traditional beliefs that sex should not take place before marriage.

Similar to other TVB virgins – Linda Chung, Christine Kuo and Leanne Li, Grace had once stated that one should protect their virginity for their prospective husband.

In a past interview, Grace also revealed that even when her boyfriend had visited her in Hong Kong, she did not allow him to stay at her apartment, fearing that his passion cannot be tapered. Her refusal to be physically intimate eventually frustrated her ex-boyfriend and resulted in their breakup.

However, with the new controversy, many are poking fun at TVB, saying that the station has lost "another virgin".