Lin Chi-ling touched by Jerry's song

7 Jan – Taiwanese actress Lin Chiling recently talked about Jerry Yan's alleged special dedication to her during his guest performance at a Mayday's concert.

Acoording to Asianpopnews, at an airlines public event, the Taiwanese model was asked if she was aware that Jerry broke into tears upon singing the song. Lin Chiling answered, "Yes, it is very sweet. But I am not sure who he is singing for."

When asked how she would feel if Jerry sang the song for her, Chi-ling said, "I will be very touched."

When asked if Jerry was an important person to her, Lin lowered her head and replied, "He is very important."

On 30 December last year, Jerry Yan surprised everyone when he made a love declaration to "an important person in his heart" and sang Mayday's "Hao Bu Hao".