Myolie Wu wants a real relationship

Myolie Wu wants a real relationship

12 Feb – Actress Myolie Wu may have a new pursuer after her breakup with "Detective Dee" actor, Bosco Wong seven months ago, but it doesn't mean that she is completely ready for a new relationship.

According to Popular Asians website, the "Rosy Business" actress recently stated, "I just had a breakup not long ago. I am actually ready to accept a new relationship, but I want this person to understand how the [entertainment] circle works. I am very open about meeting new friends. I will not lock myself up and say no to everything."

Recalling her past relationship with Bosco, Myolie expressed her frustration that they couldn't be more open about their relationship due to the fact that they are famous.

The actress stated, "For all those years, we have never held hands outside. It was quite miserable! But there was nothing else we could do. That was the price [for being famous]. We did not want to be too high-profile, did not want to alert the paparazzi, and in our first few years of being together, we would always take a look around the streets before we leave together. I really want to know how it feels like to hold my boyfriend's hand in public."

Asked if she has any requirements for her next boyfriend, she enthused, "We must hold hands when we go out together!" before jokingly adding, "When the time comes, don't get scared of my unreserved nature! I don't even care if people catch me kissing him on the streets! I will now do the things I want to do."

On a serious note, Myolie said, "I am not young anymore. I want to have a stable relationship. I want a husband, not a boyfriend."