"Will Power" leads no sexual scenes

"Will Power" leads no sexual scenes

13 Feb – With recent criticisms targeted at TVB's tendency to add intimate and rape scenes, the casts of upcoming "Will Power" revealed that there will be no such scenes found among its lead stars.

According to Jayne Stars website, actors Wayne Lai, Christine Ng, Moses Chan and Fala Chen while speaking to the media recently, said that they will have no problems explaining to their family and spouses, as there will be no intimate kissing scenes for the four lead actors.

The drama producer, Tsui Ching Hong said, "Recently everyone is talking about 'heavy flavour.' I am not a big fan of this style. Hugging and kissing are not requirements for romantic scenes, and there are many other ways to express love. However, I must stress that the lack of intimate scenes in "Will Power" is not because I've yielded to my lead actors."

"Will Power" is "War of the Genders" producer Tsui Ching Hong's first comedy-drama serial after six years of absence. In the drama, Wayne Lai and Moses Chan play two buddy barristers specialising in battling large inheritance cases.

While the lead actors are playing it safe, supporting actress Sire Ma is not off the hook. In the show, she will be raped by Vincent Wong, who portrays Fala's ex-boyfriend.