TVB to make "Inbound Troubles 2"

TVB to make "Inbound Troubles 2"

22 Jan – Despite "Inbound Troubles" having received numerous complaints and criticism from the public after only a week of broadcast, TVB believes that "bad publicity is better than no publicity at all", and reveals that they might even be considering a sequel.

According to Jayne Stars, TVB executive Tommy Leung revealed that the publicity that the series generated will only garner more viewers, stating, "I am satisfied that the ratings have reached 30 points. If ratings are going to be maintained, I may look into a sequel."

The positive energy was also shared by producer Wong Wai Sing who said, "I have received many complaints. But that also proved that when there are viewers, then there are complaints! With such a good viewership, why should we edit the drama?"

Meanwhile, actor Wong Cho Lam, who also wrote the script for the drama, stated that there is nothing new about TVB receiving complaints from viewers and encouraged people to continue watching the drama.

When asked about the possibility of the show being cut, he said, "When others complain there is a lack of originality in Hong Kong dramas and producers lack the guts to depict real life, these ["Inbound Troubles" critics] are the people who kill the shows."

Starring Roger Kwok, Wong Cho Lam, Joey Meng and Mimi Chu, "Inbound Troubles" addresses the local social problems that have existed for years, such as the worsening relations between Hong Kong and China.

Due to their depiction of mainlanders and Hong Kong citizens, the Broadcasting Authority has already received more than 70 complaints about the drama.