Elena Kong takes poodle to the cinema

Elena Kong takes poodle to the cinema

20 Jul – TVB actress Elena Kong loves her white poodle, Teddy Boy, so much that it even got a role in her previous series, "The Ultimate Addiction". But according to the actress, acting is not the only thing they do together.

"I would bring my dog on my movie dates as well," says the actress, who has been dating animal-loving boyfriend, Vincent Ng, for more than 8 years, according to Hong Kong's On CC News.

The actress, who made an appearance at a recording of an animal charity TV programme recently, disclosed, "I would put my dog in my bag to bring him inside the theatre and would take him out after the lights are out."

However, Elena stressed that Teddy Boy has never been a bad dog inside the movie halls and has never been afraid of the sound effects and visuals.

She said, "He is really good and wouldn't make any noise. We've watched a movie about dogs before and it went well. He didn't have much of a reaction."

Asked if it's against the rules to bring a pet in, Elena replied, "The rule doesn't mention anything about it. But I also try my best to keep it discreet. I would always buy the seats at the end of the theatre."

Elena also expressed her hopes that movie theatres will finally establish premises specifically for dogs so that she won't have to sneak Teddy Boy in every time she feels like watching a movie with her pet!

(Photo credit: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net)