Mother’s corner: Do kids ever grow up?

What happens when kids grow up? Does the mother-child bond really strengthen over time? Continuing with our Mother’s day series, today, Ulka Herlekar, mother of a 50-year-old daughter and a 47-year-old son tells us how her relationship with her children evolved with time.

Children, a blessing?

After I got married, I went to pay homage to my family deity as was the tradition. While we were standing in front of the deity and asking for his blessings, two flowers from the deities’ image fell down, a big red flower and a smaller white one. I picked up the two flowers, hoping that these represented the two children I would be blessed with. When I did not conceive for a couple of years, I began to wonder if God had given me false hopes. But four years later, I was a proud mother to a daughter and three years down the line, to a son.

Growing up pains

My daughter was very active, not at all shy and very bright. Being the first born, she was at receiving end of both, overwhelming love and at times, incredible frustration. My son was a little reserved and usually surrounded by books. He also had this habit of picking up stray animals on the road and getting them home. I remember wondering about how they were growing up to be such different individuals but yet, were so similar in some aspects.

Becoming a grandmother!

I’m a grandmother now, with four lovely grandchildren. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that my kids are all grown up now, with grown up kids of their own! But I can never forget that they are the blessing of my family deity. They have given me the privilege of being a mother. I take pride in all their achievements, in the fact that my daughter is now a content home maker with a loving family and that my son is a good man who takes care of his children and wife.

As the years went by, my relationship with my children changed. Of course, we never strayed from the mother-child bond, but as they grew older, I began to look at them as advisors, supporters and friends. I am thankful and fortunate to have such a meaningful relationship with my kids and pray that God blesses each and every deserving mother with such kids.

Written by Ulka Herlekar.

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